Pinpoint What Needs Your Attention

Our proprietary tools help you diagnose various aspects of your organisation's strategy so you can fix what's broken and strengthen what's working.


Level 1 challenges are related to Survival. Level 2 challenges tackle improving internal Efficiency. Level 3 challenges direct attention to obtaining and sustaining Competitive Advantage.  Level 4 challenges are concerned with growth through Expansion.

When faced with multiple, competing priorities, the Strategic Priorities Assessment provides an objective perspective on where you should focus. 

The assessment is based on four hierarchical categories of challenges, with the underlying logic that you solve lower level challenges before moving on to higher level challenges. It takes less than 15 minutes to complete and should ideally be completed by your senior team for accurate results.


The Invisible Assets Scan is a free self-assessment tool that helps organisations identify their invisible assets.

It consists of two sections. Section 1 is a pre-assessment, which reveals the categories where your organisation is most likely to have invisible assets. Section 2 delves deeper into the categories relevant to your organisation to generate a report identifying your invisible assets.

For a more precise assessment that includes estimations of the relative strength of each asset, contact us for more information.


Discover your organisation’s level of readiness to execute its strategy. The SEGA is best done by your senior team and a cross section of your organisation’s team members for accurate results.

This sneak peek gives you insight into where stumbling blocks in executing strategy may be occurring in your organisation.


For any strategy to be successful, it is critical to develop an understanding of the required capabilities, as missing or underdeveloped capabilities will hinder strategy execution. Some capabilities may already exist to various degrees within the organisation; others may need to now be acquired. An organisational capability mapping and assessment exercise should therefore be a precursor to any strategic planning.

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