Our Work in the Consumer Finance Industry

Consumer finance is one of the biggest industries in the Caribbean, encompassing commercial banks, credit unions, finance houses, insurance companies, auto dealerships, store cards, hire purchase agreements and building societies. It is also one of the most competitive. Across the globe information is the linchpin of winning the competitive race, and here in the Caribbean is no different.

At Antilles Economics, we aim to be the intelligence partners for consumer finance companies, providing economic forecasts through our dashboards, market insights through our market research solutions, and timely advice through our ongoing strategic support.

Our team has relevant, practical experience. We have been trained by national regulators, have worked in economic and strategy advisory for commercial entities, and have been researching on consumer finance for more than a dozen years.

To learn more about our Consumer Finance practice and how we can help your organisation, click here to view our brochure.

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