Relationship Between Imports and Production/Sales of Poultry Products
- As a statutory corporation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Water Resource Management (MAFFW), BADMC informs, facilitates and develops Barbadian crop and livestock production, food innovation, processing and marketing opportunities for local agripreneurs and food enterprises.
Project Goals
- Working with The production of poultry meat is one of the largest areas of agriculture production in Barbados. In 2013, just over 13 million kilograms of chicken meat was produced, more than twice the amount of pork, beef, veal, mutton and turkey combined. The local chicken market is protected from significant competition from imported chicken since importing poultry is only permitted under special circumstances.The goal of this project was to investigate the link between the imports of poultry, local production/sales and market prices.
What we did
- We employed a number of statistical techniques to investigate the relationship between poultry imports and various indicators of the performance of the domestic poultry industry. In addition to poultry imports, we also identified the other potential determinants of local production and sales of poultry.The results of the analysis indicated that due to the relatively small amount of imports, there was little to no association between imports and domestic production/sales of poultry in Barbados. Instead, key supply-side determinants played a pivotal role, including the production of other meats and the price of poultry products.
Client Outcome
- The results were used to help inform import and competition policies in the local poultry industry.